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Regional Roadshow Recap

Care Providers Oklahoma recently offered a continuing education event we called the Regional Road Show for care professionals in both OKC and Enid. This is a new education delivery strategy launched this spring. Our goal is to bring high-quality, in-person education closer to you!


It was led by our nurse consultant, Linda Farrar, RN, LNHA, and tackled topics like top Survey results and new CMS reporting requirements.


As Director of Education, I attended both sessions and was so encouraged by the dialogue between not only Linda and those in attendance, but among the class members themselves.


It turned out to be a tremendous learning and sharing opportunity for the Oklahoma care professionals in attendance.


As if to confirm my own impression, I received this warm note afterward from one of those in attendance.


"Great program. Very few programs do you walk out of the program with specific ideas how to fix problems.  That was one of the best programs I have attended.  Thank you so much."


Besides making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, the comment shows just how valuable a continuing education program like the Regional Road Show can be.


In fact, if you browse the "Education" tab on the Care Providers Oklahoma website, you will see that we offer many educational opportunities year 'round, both in-person and as Webinars.


We shape our curriculum based on input from our CPO education committee and from suggestions from our members, which allows us to present topics reflecting the most need from those working in the long term care profession.


All of which leads me to this. Our upcoming Spring Convention on May 1-3 at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Convention Center in Norman offers a diverse mix of educational classes that cover a host of areas of need.

Led by industry leaders in each area, our breakout sessions will go in-depth into topics like food service excellence, workforce recruitment and retention, healthcare water management and legionella, importance of building maintenance, MDS changes coming in October, dealing with clinical issues in assisted living, and much much more.


In addition, our keynote speakers will bring messages that both inform and inspire everyone in attendance.


There will also be an engaging trade show by CPO vendors and an entertaining Top Tech Challenge in which maintenance professionals from around the state will compete in timed repair events. It promises to be fun for everyone.


We've opened registration, and I encourage you to register for the event before April 16 to gain our Early Bird discount. Hotel registration deadline is April 14.


It's a tremendous educational opportunity where you will learn not only from session leaders but through networking with your fellow professionals from across Oklahoma.


Don't miss it!

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